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Teach your dog to focus on you

Teach your dog to focus on you

There's no doubt dogs can be easily distracted. Squirrels, cats, cars, bikes, skateboards, the neighbor -- you name
3 min read
How To Become A Dog Trainer

How To Become A Dog Trainer

So you want to be a dog trainer? Get the right skills and knowledge to succeed as a professional trainer.
5 min read
Case study: The mouthy puppy + PDF handout

Case study: The mouthy puppy + PDF handout

Let me tell you about Jonah. Ben and Jonah are sitting on the couch. Susan is doing a few yoga
3 min read
What’s the key to good dog training?

What’s the key to good dog training?

5 min read
Belgian Malionis puppy on a red harness with a black leash looking at something in the distance

Management for reactive dogs: How to keep your dog safe and under control on walks

If you have a dog who is reactive to other dogs or people when out on a walk, you are not alone. Many dog handlers find themselves in this situation. It can be frustrating and embarrassing, but there are helpful ways to manage and control a reactive dog.
3 min read
Is dog cloning going viral?

Is dog cloning going viral?

If you've lost a dog, you know the feeling. Who among us doesn't want their dog back?
2 min read
Stressed dog yawning as a sign of anxiety, showing teeth and tongue in a domestic setting

Is my dog stressed? Spot the signs of stress in dogs

Certainly! Here's a concise and informative SEO meta description for the article: Learn how to spot signs of stress in your dog with expert advice from a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant. Discover key stress indicators, effective calming tips, and when to seek help for your stressed pup.
3 min read
Wait at Door

Wait at Door

How do we teach our furred friends to wait for permission to go out the door? How do we prevent others from leaving doors open, or pausing at the door while waving good-bye, or letting the screen door fly open when it’s windy?
1 min read
Your puppy's first night home: How to make it a success

Your puppy's first night home: How to make it a success

You've brought your new puppy home and you couldn't be more excited. Soon it'll be time to help settle your puppy for the night. What do you do? Read on for professional training tips on how to have a successful first night with your new pup.
2 min read
Qualities you need to become a good therapy dog trainer

Qualities you need to become a good therapy dog trainer

Becoming a therapy dog trainer is not an easy task. It takes a lot of dedicated dog training, dedication, and
4 min read